I have had a podcast in the back of my mind for many months, and it is FINALLY time to put that thought into action. At the very beginning of this journey, as I considered what I wanted this podcast to look like, it became apparent that I needed a cohost. As I thought about who would be a good fit – a person whose parenting ideas lined up with mine and with whom I had good chemistry, it hit me like a lightning bolt – my husband, Greg, would be perfect.
Where I am a parenting coach and enthusiast, Greg is a pediatric dentist. He spends his days working with all sorts of kids and their parents. He has a front-row seat to see a wide range of parenting styles in action, giving him a unique perspective that he is excited to share. He can also be a bit of a nut with his silly nature, so you can look forward to that.
Greg and I have been married for 21 years, and have five kids who are currently between the ages of 10 and 20. A couple of our kids are the poster children for strong will. In this episode, we talk about what that was like when they were young and how the kids were definitely running the show. At our wit’s end, with fear of our oldest ending up in prison when he grew up because of his complete lack of self-control and respect for others, we came across parenting expert John Rosemond, whose ideas about raising children changed our life.
John’s ideas have since formed the foundation of our parenting philosophy, which is rooted in common sense and grounded in tradition. It is a vintage philosophy that was used for generations before the psychological revolution of the 1960s turned American parenting on its head. (Hence, the name Throwback Parenting.)
Our approach to parenting can be summed up like this:
- There are no guarantees in parenting. Parents can do everything perfectly, and have children who choose to disobey, disrespect, and rebel.
- Common sense in king.
- Effective parenting is about leadership.
- Effective leadership is about mindset, confidence, and communication.
- Morals, values, faith, respect, work ethic, and self-discipline do not just happen. They must be purposefully taught in the home.
- Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint.
- Children are adults in training.
The book that started it all for me was A Family of Value, and you can get your own copy here.
Listen in to hear the discussion and delve into these ideas on a deeper level. Thanks for walking this path with us!
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