Raising teens and young adults can be a difficult and lonely time. When kids are young, it is easy to talk about your struggles with others because they are often universal. Support in those early years is usually only a phone call or a social media post away.
When kids grow into teenagers, however, and on into young adulthood, their problems and the implications behind them are often much more significant than in previous years. Sometimes, the challenges feel insurmountable. Support for parents is not always readily available in this stage because they are often not at liberty to talk openly about the issues that their growing kids are facing.
Sometimes, amid the struggles associated with raising kids who are crossing over into adulthood, hope is elusive. Award-winning author and speaker, Heidi Tucker, knows a little bit about that. While she was raising her four children, she had her share of challenges, some of which felt almost impossible at the time. I am thrilled to have her on the podcast to discuss how parents can find hope while in the thick of the teenage years.
Even if you do not have teens or young adults, Heidi’s wisdom and advice apply to any hard situation you might encounter. Listen in to find some light and hope in your own journey.

In this episode, Heidi gives five actionable takeaways from her book, Finding Hope in the Journey. They are:
- Find your space – a place where you can have two-way communication with God.
- Have patience in God’s timing. He sees the big picture, while our vision is limited.
- God knows your gifts, even if you don’t. He will help you to discover them.
- You are here to make a difference.
- You can do HARD things. (I especially loved Heidi’s observation that we are hardwired to overcome challenges.)

Listen on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or Spotify. (And, of course, you can listen right here.)
You can find Heidi on her website, The Pickled Sunflower.
You can purchase her inspirational books, Finding Hope in the Journey and
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