We’ve all heard of them – lawnmower parents. They go to whatever lengths necessary to prevent their children from facing adversity, pain, challenge, or failure.
Lawnmower parents are undoubtedly well-intentioned. They want the best for their kids and are willing to go to great lengths to help then succeed. The problem is that they are short-sighted. They do not realize that their parenting style clearly tells their kids, “I don’t think you are capable of doing things on your own, so I will do this for you.”
In the end, this style of parenting produces kids who are ill-equipped to handle the challenges of life. They struggle to make decisions. They do not trust themselves. They are fragile and often fall apart when life doesn’t go their way.

But all of us might have a little lawnmower parent in us that shows up from time to time if we are not careful. (I know I do!) In true Jeff Foxworthy style, listen in for a lighthearted discussion about how “You might be a lawnmower parent if…”
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As promised in the show, here is the article about a coach who resigned because (lawnmower) parents
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