I haven’t written much lately. I have been so wrapped up in the new podcast and all of the associated things that make it run, causing writing to fall into the background. And you know what? I miss it. As much as I am truly LOVING the podcast, writing helps me to process the world. When I don’t take time for it, I feel like a hot mess. So it is time, my friends, to put my fingers on the keys again and get the jumbled mess of thoughts from my mind and onto the screen.
If I am being honest, (which, of course, I am), one reason why I have been avoiding the blog is because I feel like I hit a wall when I start writing about the specifics of parenting. But I have narrowed my focus considerably in recent months, which has landed me right in the middle of the parenting niche.
Yes, I am passionate about raising kids. If you have followed me for five minutes, you know that. But, for whatever reason, I often have a difficult time writing about it. Perhaps, that is why I am loving the podcast so much. It allows me to have candid conversations about my passion for child-rearing, which feels more natural (and more interesting) for some crazy reason.
When it comes to writing, I prefer to focus on things on things that I am learning and experiencing in my everyday life. I love to look for meaning, inspiration, and humor in the seemingly mundane. I like to record my life in interesting ways. How-to or problem-solving posts are not my favorites, but I have felt like I should write more posts like that because parenting coaches (that’s me!) should help people solve problems.
Today I made an executive decision. Since this is my online space, and I am the boss of it, I can use it for whatever purpose I feel so inclined. So (for now), I will reserve the podcast for educational purposes. I will teach all the parenting principles and how-tos there, and reiterate those lessons in the show notes for each episode.
And the blog? It will be my creative space to write about whatever is on my mind. Maybe it will be filled with essays, musings, or my take on finding meaning in the midst of the madness. Perhaps, it will be my way to record this stage of life where my kids are growing and leaving and finding their own way in the world. Maybe, it will be sprinkled with posts that are funny, silly, or sarcastic. Likely, it will be a combination of all of that and more.
Written words have power – not only for the reader but also the writer. And this writer needs a little more time and space to write about whatever topic is on her mind, even (and especially) if it has nothing to do with parenting.
So stay tuned, friends. A more well-rounded, unpolished, unscripted me will be back here soon, and I already feel lighter as a result. In fact, I think I just shed the five pounds I gained last Christmas.
Oh, nope. The scale disagrees. But I feel lighter on the inside, and that is almost more important to me at this stage in the game.
See you soon.
Love this! Similar things have been on my mind! Excited to read what you write
Thanks, Kay. It will be fun!