I am always on the lookout for incredible articles to share on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. But not everybody follows me there.
Let’s be honest, Facebook (where I am most active) only shows any given post to a tiny fraction of my audience. I am not too fond of whoever created the algorithm that decides who sees what.
Consequently, I am starting something new – a weekly post containing a few of my favorite links, just in case you missed them on social media.
Here is the first installment:
1. 5 Things People With Tidy Homes Don’t Do, by The Nester
“As a Tidy Messy Person, it’s much easier for me to practice things that Tidy people DON’T do. Not doing things? Now that I can do!”
2. In Defense of the Small Life, by Erica Layne
“Small doesn’t translate to “without meaning or purpose.”
Small can be beautiful. And profound.”
3. How a Creative Project Can Heal Your Body, Your Mind and the World, by Allison Fallon
“Robert Fulgram, author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, points out that, when you ask a room full of three-year-olds, “who in here is an artist?” nearly every child will raise her hand. And when you ask the same question of a group of adults, you might get a few reluctant responses.
What happened to us along the way?
Where did we lose this sense that we are creative?”
4. 12 Illustrations That Are All Too Real for Introverts, by Lindsay Holmes
Are there any other introverts out there? This article made me smile.
I have also been going through my archives and breathing new life into some old posts, including these two:
1. 8 Things Every Adolescent Girl Should Understand
Adolescence is rough. Maybe these things can help.
2. Part of Believing in God is Believing Him
A flooded house taught me a few things about believing God, which is not the same things as believing in Him.
Have a fantastic weekend!